Hair Loss: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Lucknow to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our hair specialist in Lucknow near you. Hair is an elongated thread-like structure composed of a protein referred to as Keratin. It is released from a pore within the skin, referred to as the hair follicle. Humans have approximately 1,00,000 hair follicles that produce the hair shaft, also known as the hair that we see. Hair shafts and hair follicles, as with every other part in our bodies, can be prone to be damaged, resulting in hair loss or fall in hair. Certain hair disorders can develop at any time and can cause extreme hair loss, and sometimes even hair loss. Telogen effluvium, androgenetic Alopecia and traction alopecia, anagen effluvium and alopecia areata can be a few of the most common hair loss issues you may face. Do not be concerned since the majority of these issues can be cured with proper treatment and advice by a professional hair specialists in Lucknow. If you want to prevent losing your hair out or restore the hair that has been lost you lost, then this is the guide to losing hair and other related issues. What is Hair Shedding? Losing 50 to 100 hair strands every daily is normal part of the growth cycle of hair. This is known as hair shedding and the reason for this is due to the normal process of growth. The growth of hair is divided into four phases – After exogen, a brand new hair growth cycle starts, and hair is in an the anagen phase. In any given time, about 10-15 percent all your hairs may be in the normal shed, also known as telogen/exogen. This is around 50-100 hairs that may shed each day that can be seen on your towel, comb and even on the floor. It is part of the normal process and nothing to be concerned about. What is Hair Loss? Hair loss or Alopecia, on the other hand, is a different hair condition from hair shedding. You lose excessive hair from your head with no signs of regrowth in hair loss. The effects of hair loss can be permanent and are influenced by various external and internal factors. If you lose more than 125 hair strands, then you may have hair loss and a reason for concern. Hair loss does not stop until the cause behind it is treated. Therefore, understanding the cause and treating it on time becomes very important. There are many types of hair loss conditions caused by various factors; continue to know all these factors and ways to treat them. At this Stage it is important to consult a hair specialists in lucknow for related concerns. What causes hair loss? Hair loss due to disruption in the normal hair growth cycle can result in the loss of hair at any point in life. A variety of external and internal causes can disrupt the cycle and cause the excessive loss of hair. Certain causes can be reversed but others require medical treatment to stop the process. The most significant causes of hair loss are: 1. Hormonal changes and medical conditions Hormones play an essential function in the proper function of our body. Certain hormones may stop the cycle of growth of hair and cause excessive loss of hair. Changes in hormones due to pregnancy and childbirth, thyroid disorders or menopausal symptoms are among the most typical causes of loss of hair. Alopecia areata is a autoimmune condition in which your body’s immune system targets the hair follicles and makes them go into a rest or dormant phase. This condition can cause permanent damage if not dealt with in time. Suggested by many hair specialists in lucknow to have proper care of your hair during this time. 2. Genetic Composition Androgenetic Alopecia is a hair loss condition that may be passed down from grandparents or parents. The condition is generally referred to as male or female pattern hair loss. Women are able to notice a wider separation and thinning hair on their scalps’ top and men typically notice receding hairline and the formation of bald patches that are round in their top. The reason for this is by the over-action of DHT also known as dihydrotestosterone. DHT is an androgen hormone that is present in both female and male bodies. DHT adheres to the hair follicles, and causes it to shrink which causes hair loss and loss. The sensitivity of DHT is inherited and consequently, this kind of loss of hair is inherited through families. 3. Physical and Mental Stress When your body is hit with trauma, whether physical or psychological, from childbirth, an accident or surgery, healing from a condition or an emotional event like losing a loved ones work, heartbreak, work or stress during exams hair begins to thin. The reason behind stress-related hair loss is because the body is forced to save the essential nutrients needed for functions, and the less vital function such as hair growth is affected. 4. Improper Lifestyle and Diet Consuming too much zinc iron, protein, as well as other important nutrients, could result in loss of hair. Bad habits such as smoking or sleeping in late and not exercising can reduce blood flow to hair’s roots, resulting in loss of hair. Because of a lack of nutrition as well as a bad life style, hair gets dry, brittle and weaker, more susceptible to break easily. Suggested by many hair specialists in lucknow to have proper diet to maintain healthy hair. 5. Treatments and radiation Many of the medications used to treat illnesses can result in the loss of hair as their adverse consequences. Chemotherapy, which is used to treat cancer as well as medications for acne depression, arthritis, blood pressure, gout etc can cause hair loss. Loss of hair due to medication and radiations
Hair Loss: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments